Dragon Medical users have the availability to use the COVID-19 Content Pack to document patient visits, both in-office and virtually, via telehealth visits. The templated pack was recently made available to all Dragon Medical users, and via an update to the cloud-based solution, Dragon Medical One. The content is based on the coding and reporting guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). The full capture of severity of illness (SOI) and risk of mortality (ROM) has never been more important for ICD-10 coding when addressing Covid-19, so by creating this template, Nuance has addressed an issue brought up by medical professionals on the front line battling the current Covid-19 health crisis. With the development and usage of this template, Dragon Medical One is helping doctors generate their patient’s electronic health records quickly, allowing them more time to focus on entering specific key pieces of information (like their symptoms, risk factors, and underlying health issues) while reducing the amount of time they enter the same data.
Our 1st-Dragon Solutions Team recently launched a webinar focused on using the new templates within your clinical workflow on your practice’s chosen EHR platform. Some of the key highlights of the webinar showcase the usage of the custom commands, auto texts, and templates that are part of the Covid-19 Content Pack. The use of the PowerMic Mobile allows a physician to move from room to room, and workstation to workstation, using your own personal smartphone (iPhone or Android) as a convenient, wireless mic. The PowerMic Mobile also provides greater flexibility to fit caregivers’ busy schedules while extending the clinical documentation capture.

For example, when documenting a recent telehealth patient visit, the physician was able to save time by using his Dragon Medical solutions together along with the custom voice commands to insert several Covid-19 assessment auto texts such as:
➢ Covid-19 Note
○ Presenting complaint
○ Patient History
○ Co-morbidities
○ Patient contact
➢ Covid-19 Examination
○ Vitals
○ Presentations
■ Acute Respiratory Failure
■ Lower Respiratory Infection
■ Covid Acute
➢ Covid-19 Isolations Advice
○ Physician provides Patient with advice on their diagnosis and treatment program
With the addition of this new content pack, physician-users of Dragon Medical One will see a significant time savings benefit by using the auto-text fields for these types of repetitive patient notes.
*For those physicians not currently using Dragon Medical One, our team can provide you with a FREE 7-day Trial with several of the key commands and auto texts built into the trial version. Reach out to our Solution Specialists today to get your trial started.
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