The technology of tomorrow is here today – that may sound cliché’ but the reality is that using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in healthcare is a reality. Dragon Ambient eXperience, launched earlier this year, uses ambient sensing technology to securely listen to clinician-patient encounter conversations and has been deployed and utilized by thousands of clinicians. This cloud-based solution is built on the high-level secure, HITRUST CSF certified, Microsoft Azure platform, and is made specifically for a wide array of medical specialties. The technology promotes a better overall patient-physician by offering workflow and knowledge automation, during the in-office or virtual visit, and increasing the effectiveness of the EHR platform as well.
One of the main features that provides a quality experience is the capture and appropriate contextualization of every word spoken during the patient visit. Each part of the conversation is automatically documented either by using an ambient device, or mobile app*, depending on the environment of the multi-party conversation. The patient and physician can communicate and connect with a higher quality while the AI technology picks up and documents your encounter effectively in the background.
How Ambient Documentation Works In A Virtual Environment
Ambient documentation can be an extreme benefit during a virtual patient encounter, specifically useful during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when most offices were unable to see patients in person.
The deep-learning capabilities of AI technology can securely and accurately, convert the conversations between the patient, physician, and others, in a HIPAA-compliant format.
The documentation, follow-up, and treatment plans are organized into a more standardized structure, that is used in most established documentation standards, and within the clinicians preferred EHR.
These AI-generated documentation notes and plans, are then put through a quality-control review process (very brief), that checks for accuracy, omissions, and specialized appropriateness before they are delivered back to the clinician/physician for their approval and insertion in the EHR. This creates a true “AI-learning-loop” that is open for continuous improvement.
DAX is deployable within Microsoft™ Teams workflow which is scalable for providing a better overall virtual consultation and patient outcome.
Physicians speak in their own natural voice, while DAX works in the background capturing and contextualizing the data from the patient visit so the physician can fully concentrate on the patient.
Our team of Solution Specialist are trained to know the right place to deploy AI-powered solutions within your own clinical workflows for better practice productivity, and time savings.
As a benefit of working with our Solutions team, you can field test a 7-day FREE trial of the cloud-based solution, Dragon Medical One. Contact us today to learn more about how moving towards these cloud-based speech recognition solutions could be the right pivot for your medical practice. | 866-977-3324 | 877-272-8280
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*Ask out Solutions Team about the DAX mobile app for a more mobile documentation process