Our solutions team has over 25 years of experience helping thousands of healthcare organizations enhance their workflow using speech recognition software and productivity tools, such as the 2021 Best in Klas award winning Nuance® Dragon® Medical One. We have evolved into an organization with the ability and success to work with and support all practice sizes. We specialize in offering our clients a customized approach which is designed specifically for their clinical workflow. We value our relationships with our clients and listen to what their needs are. We assist our clients by researching and providing tools and solutions to help them be more productive. We do our best to avoid inundating your inbox, so we send out a quarterly newsletter that touches on the most important news you can use.
Check out the overview of this quarter’s “News You Can Use” newsletter:
➔ Is NOW the time to upgrade to the CLOUD? - with the sunset of Nuance Communications legacy product, Dragon Medical Practice Edition, now may be the best time to upgrade your practice, and embrace the advantages of migrating to cloud-based technology
➔ Join us for our next Webinar on February 24th – Join us for a DMPE Sunsetting discussion and learn more about the efficiencies and accuracy of cloud-based Dragon Medical One. REGISTER
➔ Learn how implementing a Telehealth solution can change how healthcare is delivered – Contact us to schedule your free demo
➔ Get Practical Tips from the Tech Experts - with our Tech Talk segment
➔ Virtual or In-person events - see where you can connect with our Solutions Team this quarter
Click HERE to read about all of these topics and more in this quarter’s newsletter! Not subscribed to our newsletter? Subscribe for updates and events that can help you be more productive in your medical practice! Feel free to reach out to our Solutions Team and be sure to ask about our FREE TRIAL of the 2021 Best in Klas Dragon Medical One solution.
sales@1st-dragon.com | 866-977-3324 | 877-272-8280
#DragonMedical #DragonMedicalOne #ClinicalWorkflow #SpeechRecognition #Dictation #Healthcaremanagers #MedicalEHR #EHRusers #PatientNotes #PatientDocumentation #Practicemanagers #IncreasePracticeProductivity #AITechnology #cloudbasedtechnology #medicalpracticeprofitability #ConversationalAI #HealthIT